Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I figured it out!

Seeing as how I CANNOT figure out how to position pictures so that they coincide with the appropriate paragraphs....Just know that I write about flowers during the latter of this post.

Listening to Ben Folds causes me to feel better,the second I start to hear one of his songs. It's been plaguing me for about 2 weeks as to why. I figured it out and it's kind of strange.

I started listening to Songs for Silverman at a point in my life where I didn't have any problems.

My life rocked at that point and he is all I listened to...besides The Beatles.

I mean, it's good that I'm smiling while thinking of it, right?

My myspace is completely revamped and I can honestly say I'm not satisfied with the way it turned out. I've spent enough time on it to where I don't want to deal with it anymore.

Yes, I did just blog about the revamping of my-space.

In other news, I cleaned my room today. The type of cleaning where you pull out your bed and clean underneath it. Where you sit in a pile of mess on the floor with one hand holding a garbage bag and the other sorting what to throw away and what to keep. The re-arrange the furniture and make new areas to sit type of clean. The type of clean where you do not have a clue as to what filth you are sitting in, but you'll get to it as soon as you sort through old bills, check stubs, and 7 month old magazines that for some reason you still want to keep.

I think I'm paranoid to throw out bills and check stubs because they carry all of my information. Fuck you identity stealers! ::shakes fist::

I bought a bouqet of my favorite flowers today...and they are fake. Flowers that never die are amazing and cheap!

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