Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I figured it out!

Seeing as how I CANNOT figure out how to position pictures so that they coincide with the appropriate paragraphs....Just know that I write about flowers during the latter of this post.

Listening to Ben Folds causes me to feel better,the second I start to hear one of his songs. It's been plaguing me for about 2 weeks as to why. I figured it out and it's kind of strange.

I started listening to Songs for Silverman at a point in my life where I didn't have any problems.

My life rocked at that point and he is all I listened to...besides The Beatles.

I mean, it's good that I'm smiling while thinking of it, right?

My myspace is completely revamped and I can honestly say I'm not satisfied with the way it turned out. I've spent enough time on it to where I don't want to deal with it anymore.

Yes, I did just blog about the revamping of my-space.

In other news, I cleaned my room today. The type of cleaning where you pull out your bed and clean underneath it. Where you sit in a pile of mess on the floor with one hand holding a garbage bag and the other sorting what to throw away and what to keep. The re-arrange the furniture and make new areas to sit type of clean. The type of clean where you do not have a clue as to what filth you are sitting in, but you'll get to it as soon as you sort through old bills, check stubs, and 7 month old magazines that for some reason you still want to keep.

I think I'm paranoid to throw out bills and check stubs because they carry all of my information. Fuck you identity stealers! ::shakes fist::

I bought a bouqet of my favorite flowers today...and they are fake. Flowers that never die are amazing and cheap!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm caffeine tired.

A few pictures taken with my phone: tada!

Kyle-- go listen to this, it's Mike's band:

I'm still on day 1 of my 2 days off and I can honestly say that I am completely bored out of my mind...this isn't exactly a surprise, right? Everyone I know that lives here works at Panera. This is old. I wish you could see the face that went with that.

Ben Folds reminds me of summer and riding in my car with the windows down. When the sun was shining brightly, yet there was still a small chill in the air.

Today was a nice day. The type of day where it wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold. The grass is drenched in BRIGHT green and there are rabbits galore in my yard. I feel like Snow White half of the time I'm outside.

I don't look good in red lipstick. Not that I've tried, I just know I'd look hideous.

What exactly is a dinosaur ringtone? Better yet, why don't I have one? I see them advertised on these banners when I use myspace. Incidentally, how do they know I like dinosaurs,Discovery Channel and Ben Folds? I'ts not on my page. I'm officially creeped out.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Should we go outside?

My shadow doesn't even stay to keep me company anymore.

Here I sit.
There it went.

Peter Pan isn't so far fetched, only Never-Never-Land.

Fly home, I miss you.

It's terribly lonely here.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I was going to write all about my dreams, but I started to become bored and they became boring. Wow.

I like to think my thoughts are organized. Sitting on shelves that are conveniently labled

-imperative- -trivial- -shameless- -courageous- -passion- -untimely- -bold- -destable- and -solicitous-.

They would cover just about the most of it. I picture them in a roll up dial, labled brilliantly with colors of green (why not?) and ready for my finger tips to discover when times allows so.

The only problem with this. I drop this roll up dial, and the cards scatter, mocking me as they fall to the ground.

The result? I don't know what I was going write about any longer.

I'm poor and I want this $400 camera but will never be able to get it. I can dream.

Stay up all night.

The fact that I can only think logically has quite possibily ruined my chances of ever actually living.

When did I grow up?

I want my life back.

It's funny-- I'm stealing from myself.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I've forgotten what its like to drive my own car.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just like you said it would be.

I want the ability to skip one day, without the repercussions.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm not sure why I do this, but:

I have countless post-it notes with Megan O'Neil scribbled all over them--at more than one house.

If or when I become famous--Oh wouldn't that person be so lucky?

Imagine that. ha!